Saturday 20 June 2015

Kempton Park Pumping Station

Kempton Park Pumping Station is one of the steam powered pumping stations that kept London supplied with water.

 It is a massive construction and if you like steam power this is going to impress due to its sheer size.

Consists of two triple expansion steam engines one at each end of the grand Art Deco building.

Each engine is 19 meters (62ft 6in) high, weighing 1016 tonnes.

 The engines ran from 1927 to 1980 pumping 19 million gallons of water a day.

One engine has been restored to running order while the other triple has been partly dismantled enabling visitors to see the inner workings of the engine.

Pin valves supplying oil to various parts of the engine

One of the big ends!

Connecting rod and small end at the top.
If you like steam power this will appeal. I could not get enough of the sound, small and sight of this massive engine.

Thanks to Rowan for the photographs.

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